Sunday, December 20, 2015

Understanding Work Productivity According to the Experts

Understanding Productivity - Productivity implies philosophical, technical and operational working definition, philosophically, Productivity contains a view of life and mental attitude are always trying to improve the quality of life. Circumstances should be better today than yesterday, and tomorrow's quality of life should be better than today. View of life and mental attitude will thus encourage people to not be quickly satisfied and will continue to improve his work (Definition of Work Productivity According to Experts)

Definition Work Productivity According to the Experts >> For definitions of work, productivity is a comparison between the results achieved (outputs) with total resources (inputs) used per unit time, this work contains a definition of the way or method of measurement, although in theory be done but practically difficult to implement, particularly due to the input power source that is used generally consists of many kinds and in different proportions.

Factors Affecting Productivity
According Moekijat (1999) the productivity of the company's employees are influenced by three factors: (p 30)
 a. Quality and physical abilities of employees
The quality and capabilities of the employees affected by the level of education, training, motivation, ethics, mental and physical abilities of employees.

b. Means of support
Means of support or an increase in employee productivity can be grouped in two categories, namely:
Concerning the working environment, including technologies and modes of production facilities, and production equipment, the level of safety and health as well as the atmosphere in the work environment itself.
Concerning the welfare of employees is reflected in the wage system and guarantee the continuity of the work.

c. Supra means
The company's activities do not occur in isolation. What happens in the companies affected by what happens outside it, as a source of production factors to be used, the prospects for marketing, licensing taxation, etc.

Understanding Work Productivity According to the Experts | Meanwhile, according to her book Ravianto productivity and measurements, the factors that affect employee productivity, among others (Ravianto, 1986):
Environment and climate work
Industrial Huungan
Attitude and work ethic
Nutrition and health
Means of production
Income levels
Social Security
Outstanding opportunities
Understanding Work Productivity

Efforts Increased Labor Productivity
In order to achieve efficiency, employee productivity is indispensable. Increased productivity can be done in several ways, among others (Ravianto, 1986):
Increased education
Education and training to increase knowledge and work skills. Exercises can be done both inside and outside of work. Exercises are conducted mostly formal.
Improvement of income and wages
Wage improvements will ultimately be able to guarantee the improvement of nutrition and health. Malnourished people not only inhibits the growth of children but also directly affect the productivity of employees. Low levels of income causes one dpat not meet basic needs such as food, clothing, housing and adequate health, which further causes low productivity.
Selection of supplementary facilities for production technology
A person who uses the equipment is complete and perfect higher productivity compared with those which use simpler equipment.
Improved leadership capability
Capabilities and high level of labor productivity of the employees are not just there if it is not supported by the leadership of creative and participative. For that management is indispensable participation.

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